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The 7 Deadly Sins of Cybersecurity in Company (and How to Avoid Them)

March 25, 2023
As technology advances, cybersecurity has become an increasingly crucial concern for businesses of all sizes. With so much sensitive information stored online, the consequences of a security breach can be catastrophic. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in a company's system, and even small businesses are not immune to cyberattacks. It's no longer a question of if a company will be targeted but when.

As technology advances, cybersecurity has become an increasingly crucial concern for businesses of all sizes. With so much sensitive information stored online, the consequences of a security breach can be catastrophic. Hackers and cybercriminals are constantly looking for ways to exploit vulnerabilities in a company's system, and even small businesses are not immune to cyberattacks. It's no longer a question of if a company will be targeted but when.

However, navigating the world of cybersecurity can be overwhelming. There are countless threats and vulnerabilities that a company must consider, and keeping up with the latest security measures can be a daunting task. To help companies protect themselves, it's important to identify and avoid the common mistakes that can leave them vulnerable. This is where the concept of the "7 deadly sins" of cybersecurity comes in. By understanding these common pitfalls and how to avoid them, companies can take proactive steps to protect themselves and their sensitive data.

1. Pride: Thinking you're too small or insignificant to be targeted by cybercriminals

One of the biggest mistakes companies can make thinking they need to be bigger or more important to be targeted by cybercriminals. The reality is that hackers are always looking for vulnerable targets, and companies of all sizes are at risk. Don't let your pride put your company at risk.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Take cybersecurity seriously, regardless of your company's size
  • Educate your employees about the importance of cybersecurity
  • Implement basic cybersecurity measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, and data encryption

2. Envy: Being envious of competitors' security measures

Looking at other companies and envying their seemingly impenetrable security measures is easy. However, it's important to remember that every company has different needs and budgets, and what works for one company may not work for another. Comparing your company's security measures to others can distract you from addressing your vulnerabilities.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Focus on your own company's security needs and budget
  • Consult with cybersecurity experts to determine the best approach for your company
  • Don't neglect the basics of cybersecurity, such as regular software updates and employee training

3. Gluttony: Collecting too much data

Data is a valuable business asset, but collecting too much can be a liability. Your company is more attractive to cyber criminals with more data you have. Additionally, the more data you have, the harder it is to secure.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Only collect data that is necessary for your business operations
  • Regularly purge old and unnecessary data
  • Encrypt sensitive data and restrict access to it

4. Lust: Falling for phishing scams

Phishing scams are a common way for cybercriminals to access sensitive company information. These scams often come in emails or text messages that appear to be from a legitimate source but are designed to trick the recipient into revealing sensitive information.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Train your employees to recognize phishing scams and how to respond to them
  • Implement two-factor authentication for sensitive accounts
  • Don't click on links or download attachments from unknown or suspicious sources

5. Wrath: Not properly managing access to company systems and data

One of the biggest vulnerabilities for any company is improper management of access to company systems and data. All it takes is one disgruntled employee or contractor with access to sensitive information to cause a major breach.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Implement access controls to restrict who has access to sensitive information
  • Regularly review and audit access privileges
  • Implement multi-factor authentication for sensitive accounts

6. Greed: Failing to invest in cybersecurity

Investing in cybersecurity can be expensive, but failing to do so can be even more costly. Cyberattacks can result in lost revenue and customers and damage your company's reputation.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Prioritize cybersecurity in your budget
  • Work with cybersecurity experts to identify the most effective and efficient security measures for your company
  • Regularly review and update your cybersecurity measures as needed

7. Sloth: Not keeping up with cybersecurity trends and threats

Cybersecurity threats constantly evolve, and what worked yesterday may not work today. Failing to keep up with cybersecurity trends and threats can leave your company vulnerable to attacks.

How to avoid this sin:

  • Stay up to date with the latest cybersecurity trends and threats
  • Regularly review and update your cybersecurity measures as needed
  • Participate in cybersecurity training and conferences to stay informed and educated


In the words of the famous hacker Kevin Mitnick, "It doesn't matter how strong your defenses are if you're giving away the keys to the castle." This sentiment couldn't be more true when it comes to cybersecurity. Protecting your business from cyber threats is no longer just an option; it's necessary. By avoiding the 7 deadly sins of cybersecurity, you can help safeguard your company's sensitive information and reduce the risk of a devastating cyber attack.

So, what are these deadly sins exactly? They include paying attention to investing in cybersecurity, collecting unnecessary data, falling for phishing scams, failing to manage access to company systems, and ignoring cybersecurity trends and threats. But fear not because there are steps you can take to avoid these mistakes and protect your business.

First and foremost, take cybersecurity seriously. Don't wait until it's too late to implement proper security measures. Invest in cybersecurity and regularly update and review your systems as needed. Additionally, focus on your company's specific needs and budget and only collect the necessary data to run your business. And be sure to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threats by participating in training and attending conferences.

Ultimately, the cost of a cyber attack can be staggering financially and in terms of damage to your company's reputation. Don't let these deadly sins be the downfall of your business. Take action now to protect your company and its future. Check out our effective solutions and expert advice on cybersecurity. Remember, when it comes to cybersecurity, prevention is the best defense.

There are only 2 type of companies:
Those that have been hacked, and
those who don't yet know they have been hacked.
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